10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
-11.95 |
283.13 |
0.525 |
Danny Scipion |
dscipion@igp.gob.pe |
jro |
12 |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
-11.95 |
283.13 |
0.525 |
Danny Scipion |
dscipion@igp.gob.pe |
jmp |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
18.345 |
293.25 |
0.0 |
Mike Sulzer |
msulzer@naic.edu |
arl |
21 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Gregorian |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
18.345 |
293.25 |
0.0 |
Mike Sulzer |
msulzer@naic.edu |
arg |
22 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Velocity Vector |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
18.345 |
293.25 |
0.0 |
Mike Sulzer |
msulzer@naic.edu |
aro |
25 |
MU IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
34.8 |
136.1 |
0.0 |
Shoichiro Fukao |
fukao@kurasc.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
mui |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
42.619 |
288.51 |
0.146 |
Phil Erickson |
perickson@haystack.mit.edu |
mlh |
31 |
Millstone Hill UHF Steerable Antenna |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
42.619 |
288.51 |
0.146 |
Phil Erickson |
perickson@haystack.mit.edu |
mlh |
32 |
Millstone Hill UHF Zenith Antenna |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
42.619 |
288.51 |
0.146 |
Phil Erickson |
perickson@haystack.mit.edu |
mlh |
40 |
St. Santin IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
44.65 |
2.19 |
0.0 |
Christine Amory-Mazaudier |
christine.amory@lpp.polytechnique.fr |
sts |
41 |
St. Santin Nançay Receiver |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
47.4 |
2.2 |
0.0 |
Christine Amory-Mazaudier |
christine.amory@lpp.polytechnique.fr |
sts |
42 |
St. Santin Mende Receiver |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
44.7 |
0.8 |
0.0 |
Christine Amory-Mazaudier |
christine.amory@lpp.polytechnique.fr |
sts |
43 |
St. Santin Monpazier Receiver |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
44.5 |
3.4 |
0.0 |
Christine Amory-Mazaudier |
christine.amory@lpp.polytechnique.fr |
sts |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
50.0 |
36.2 |
0.0 |
Prof. Igor F. Domnin |
iion@kpi.kharkov.ua |
kpi |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
65.103 |
212.55 |
0.0 |
Asti Bhatt |
asti.bhatt@sri.com |
cht |
53 |
ISTP Irkutsk Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
52.85 |
103.1 |
0.0 |
Geliy Alexandrovich Zherebtsov |
uzel@iszf.irk.ru |
ist |
57 |
UK Malvern IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
52.1 |
2.3 |
0.0 |
Tony van Eyken |
anthony.vaneyken@sri.com |
mlv |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
65.13 |
212.529 |
0.215 |
Asti Bhatt |
asti.bhatt@sri.com |
pfa |
70 |
EISCAT combined IS Radars |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
None |
None |
None |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
esa |
71 |
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
67.9 |
20.4 |
0.0 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
kir |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
69.583 |
19.21 |
0.03 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
tro |
73 |
EISCAT Sodankylä UHF IS Receiver |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
67.4 |
26.6 |
0.03 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
sod |
74 |
EISCAT Tromso VHF IS radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
69.6 |
19.2 |
0.03 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
eis |
75 |
EISCAT Kiruna VHF IS Receiver |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
67.9 |
20.4 |
0.0 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
krv |
76 |
EISCAT Sodankylä VHF IS Receiver |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
67.4 |
26.6 |
0.03 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
sdv |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
67.0 |
309.0 |
0.0 |
Asti Bhatt |
asti.bhatt@sri.com |
son |
85 |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
9.395 |
167.479 |
0.0 |
David L. Hysell |
dlh37@cornell.edu |
alt |
91 |
Resolute Bay North IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
74.72955 |
265.09424 |
0.145 |
Asti Bhatt |
asti.bhatt@sri.com |
ran |
92 |
Resolute Bay Canada IS Radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
74.72955 |
265.09424 |
0.145 |
Eric Donovan |
edonovan@ucalgary.ca |
ras |
95 |
EISCAT Svalbard IS Radar Longyearbyen |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
78.09 |
16.02 |
0.434 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
lyr |
100 |
QuJing IS radar |
Incoherent Scatter Radars |
25.6381 |
103.7151 |
2.0448 |
Ding Zonghua |
zhdingmou@163.com |
quj |
120 |
Interplanetary Mag Field and Solar Wind |
Geophysical Indices |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
imf |
210 |
Geophysical Indicies |
Geophysical Indices |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
gpi |
211 |
AE Index |
Geophysical Indices |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
aei |
212 |
DST Index |
Geophysical Indices |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
dst |
310 |
TGCM/TIGCM model |
Modelled data |
None |
None |
None |
Raymond Roble |
roble@ucar.edu |
gcm |
311 |
AMIE model |
Modelled data |
None |
None |
None |
Arthur D. Richmond |
richmond@ncar.ucar.edu |
ami |
312 |
USU-TDIM Model |
Modelled data |
None |
None |
None |
Don Thompson |
thompson@gaim.cass.usu.edu |
tdi |
320 |
Solar sd Tides |
Modelled data |
None |
None |
None |
Jeffrey Forbes |
forbes@zeke.colorado.edu |
sdt |
321 |
Lunar sd Tides |
Modelled data |
None |
None |
None |
Jeffrey Forbes |
forbes@zeke.colorado.edu |
sdl |
322 |
GSWM model |
Modelled data |
None |
None |
None |
Maura Hagan |
hagan@ucar.edu |
gsw |
820 |
Halley HF Radar |
HF Radars |
-76.0 |
333.0 |
0.0 |
Michael Pinnock |
mpi@pcmail.nerc-bas.ac.uk |
hhf |
830 |
Syowa Station HF Radar |
HF Radars |
None |
None |
None |
Natsuo Sato |
syf |
841 |
Jicamarca Multistatic HF Sounding System |
HF Radars |
None |
None |
None |
Marco Milla |
mmilla@igp.gob.pe |
jhf |
845 |
Kapuskasing HF Radar |
HF Radars |
None |
None |
None |
Michael Ruohoniemi |
ruohoniemi@jhuapl.edu |
khf |
861 |
Saskatoon HF Radar |
HF Radars |
None |
None |
None |
George Sofko |
sofko@skisas.usask.ca |
shf |
870 |
Goose Bay HF Radar |
HF Radars |
53.3 |
299.5 |
0.0 |
Michael Ruohoniemi |
ruohoniemi@jhuapl.edu |
gbf |
900 |
Hankasalmi HF Radar |
HF Radars |
70.0 |
19.0 |
0.0 |
Tudor Jones |
tbj@iono.le.ac.uk |
fhf |
910 |
Stokkseyri HF Radar |
HF Radars |
None |
None |
None |
Jean-Paul Villain |
jvillain@cnrs-orleans.fr |
whf |
911 |
Pykkvibaer HF Radar |
HF Radars |
None |
None |
None |
Tudor B. Jones |
tbj@iono.le.ac.uk |
ehf |
8308 |
Amateur Radio Signal Report |
HF Radars |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Nathaniel Frissell |
nathaniel.frissell@scranton.edu |
rsd |
1040 |
Arecibo MST Radar |
MST Radars |
19.0 |
293.0 |
0.0 |
Qihou Zhou |
zhou@naic.edu |
arm |
1140 |
Poker Flat MST Radar |
MST Radars |
65.0 |
213.0 |
0.0 |
Anthony Riddle |
ariddle@al.noaa.gov |
pkr |
1180 |
SOUSY Svalbard MST Radar Longyearbyen |
MST Radars |
78.1 |
16.0 |
0.0 |
Juergen Roettger |
roettger@linmpi.mpg.de |
ssr |
1210 |
Scott Base MF Radar |
MF Radars |
-78.0 |
167.0 |
0.0 |
Grahame J. Fraser |
grahame.fraser@canterbury.ac.nz |
sbf |
1215 |
Davis Antarctica MF radar |
MF Radars |
-68.6 |
282.03 |
0.0 |
Robert Vincent |
robert.vincent@adelaide.edu.au |
dav |
1220 |
Mawson MF Radar |
MF Radars |
-68.0 |
63.0 |
0.0 |
Robert Vincent |
rvincent@physics.adelaide.edu.au |
maf |
1221 |
Rothera MF radar |
MF Radars |
-67.57 |
291.88 |
0.005 |
Andrew Kavanagh |
andkav@bas.ac.uk |
rth |
1230 |
Christchurch MF Radar |
MF Radars |
-44.0 |
173.0 |
0.0 |
Grahame Fraser |
grahame.fraser@canterbury.ac.nz |
ccf |
1240 |
Adelaide MF Radar |
MF Radars |
-35.0 |
138.0 |
0.0 |
Robert Vincent |
rvincent@physics.adelaide.edu.au |
adf |
1245 |
Rarotonga MF radar |
MF Radars |
-21.21 |
200.23 |
0.002 |
Dennis Riggin |
riggin@colorado-research.com |
rtg |
1254 |
Tirunelveli MF radar |
MF Radars |
8.67 |
77.82 |
0.03 |
Dr. S. Gurubaran |
su.gurubaran@gmail.com |
tir |
1270 |
Kauai MF radar |
MF Radars |
22.0 |
159.3 |
0.002 |
Dennis Riggin |
riggin@colorado-research.com |
kau |
1275 |
Yamagawa MF radar |
MF Radars |
31.2 |
130.62 |
0.07 |
Yasuhiro Murayama |
murayama@nict.go.jp |
yam |
1285 |
Platteville MF radar |
MF Radars |
40.18 |
255.3 |
1.505 |
Alan Manson |
alan.manson@usask.ca |
plr |
1310 |
Wakkanai MF radar |
MF Radars |
45.36 |
141.81 |
0.01 |
Yasuhiro Murayama |
murayama@nict.go.jp |
wak |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
MF Radars |
51.0 |
13.0 |
0.0 |
Rudolf Schminder |
schminde@rz.uni-leipzig.de |
cof |
1340 |
Saskatoon MF Radar |
MF Radars |
52.0 |
253.0 |
0.0 |
Alan Manson |
alan.manson@usask.ca |
saf |
1375 |
The Poker Flat MF radar |
MF Radars |
65.126 |
212.505 |
0.208 |
Yasuhiro Murayama |
murayama@nict.go.jp |
rpk |
1390 |
Tromsø MF Radar |
MF Radars |
70.0 |
19.0 |
0.0 |
Chris Hall |
chris.hall@tgo.uit.no |
trf |
1395 |
Syowa MF Radar |
MF Radars |
-69.0 |
39.6 |
0.0 |
Masaki Tsutsumi |
tutumi@nipr.ac.jp |
sym |
1400 |
Halley MF Radar |
MF Radars |
-75.6 |
-26.2 |
0.0 |
Andrew Kavanagh |
andkav@bas.ac.uk |
hmf |
13 |
JASMET Jicamarca All-Sky Specular Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-11.95 |
283.13 |
0.525 |
Danny Scipion |
dscipion@igp.gob.pe |
jas |
1539 |
Ascension Island Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-7.96 |
345.62 |
0.17 |
Nicholas Mitchell |
n.j.mitchell@bath.ac.uk |
asc |
1540 |
Rothera Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-67.3 |
-68.1 |
0.0 |
Nicholas Mitchell |
n.j.mitchell@bath.ac.uk |
rmr |
1560 |
Atlanta meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
34.0 |
276.0 |
0.0 |
Robert G. Roper |
roper@eas.gatech.edu |
atm |
1620 |
Durham meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
43.1 |
289.1 |
0.0 |
Ronald Clark |
ron.clark@unh.edu |
dum |
1750 |
Obninsk meteor radar |
Meteor Radars |
55.11 |
36.51 |
0.172 |
Yuri Portnyagin |
yportgin@typhoon.obninsk.org |
obn |
1775 |
Esrange meteor radar |
Meteor Radars |
67.89 |
338.92 |
0.32 |
Nicholas Mitchell |
n.j.mitchell@bath.ac.uk |
emr |
1780 |
Wuhan meteor radar |
Meteor Radars |
30.5 |
114.2 |
0.0 |
Baiqi Ning |
zxk@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
wmr |
1781 |
Mohe meteor radar |
Meteor Radars |
53.5 |
122.3 |
0.0 |
Baiqi Ning |
zxk@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
mmr |
1782 |
Beijing meteor radar |
Meteor Radars |
40.3 |
116.2 |
0.0 |
Baiqi Ning |
zxk@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
bmr |
1783 |
Sanya meteor radar |
Meteor Radars |
18.4 |
109.6 |
0.0 |
Baiqi Ning |
zxk@mail.iggcas.ac.cn |
smr |
1784 |
South Pole meteor radar |
Meteor Radars |
-90.0 |
0.0 |
3.0 |
Scott Palo |
Palo@colorado.edu |
som |
1785 |
Southern Argentina Agile Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-53.8 |
-67.8 |
0.0 |
Dave C. Fritts |
dave@gats-inc.com |
amr |
1786 |
Cachoeira Paulista Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-22.7 |
-45.0 |
0.0 |
Paulo Batista |
paulo.batista@inpe.br |
cpr |
1787 |
Buckland Park Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-34.7 |
138.6 |
0.0 |
Iain Reid |
iain.reid@adelaide.edu.au |
bpr |
1788 |
Kingston Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-43.0 |
147.3 |
0.0 |
Iain Reid |
iain.reid@adelaide.edu.au |
kgr |
1790 |
Andes Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-30.3 |
-70.0 |
2.53 |
Alan Z. Liu |
LIUZ2@erau.edu |
ame |
1791 |
Southern Cross Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-31.17 |
-71.0 |
0.9 |
Alan Z. Liu |
LIUZ2@erau.edu |
sco |
1792 |
Las Campanas Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-29.018 |
-70.69 |
2.275 |
Alan Z. Liu |
LIUZ2@erau.edu |
lcm |
1793 |
CONDOR multi-static meteor radar system |
Meteor Radars |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Alan Z. Liu |
LIUZ2@erau.edu |
cms |
1794 |
McMurdo Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
-77.8297 |
166.6625 |
0.24 |
Scott Palo |
Palo@colorado.edu |
mcr |
1800 |
MMARIA Norway Meteor Radar Network |
Meteor Radars |
69.07 |
18.54 |
0.0 |
Jorge Chau |
chau@iap-kborn.org |
nmn |
1801 |
MMARIA Germany Meteor Radar Network |
Meteor Radars |
53.0 |
13.5 |
0.0 |
Jorge Chau |
chau@iap-kborn.org |
gmn |
1802 |
SIMONe Argentina Meteor Radar Network |
Meteor Radars |
69.07 |
18.54 |
0.0 |
Jorge Chau |
chau@iap-kborn.org |
amn |
1803 |
SIMONe Jicamarca Meteor Radar Network |
Meteor Radars |
-11.949 |
-76.871 |
0.0 |
Jorge Chau |
chau@iap-kborn.org |
jmn |
1804 |
SIMONe Piura Meteor Radar Network |
Meteor Radars |
-5.17 |
-80.639 |
0.0 |
Jorge Chau |
chau@iap-kborn.org |
pmn |
1805 |
MMARIA South Argentina Meteor Radar Network |
Meteor Radars |
-54.0 |
-68.0 |
0.0 |
Jorge Chau |
chau@iap-kborn.org |
smn |
2090 |
Christmas Island ST/MEDAC Radar |
Meteor Radars |
2.0 |
203.0 |
0.0 |
Susan Avery |
Susan.Avery@colorado.edu |
cia |
2200 |
Platteville ST/MEDAC Radar |
Meteor Radars |
40.13 |
255.5 |
0.0 |
Susan Avery |
Susan.Avery@colorado.edu |
pla |
8307 |
Poker Flat Meteor Radar |
Meteor Radars |
65.1 |
-147.5 |
0.0 |
Denise Thorsen |
dlthorsen@alaska.edu |
pmr |
2550 |
ULowell Digisonde MLH Radar |
Ionosondes |
42.619 |
288.51 |
0.0 |
Bodo Reinisch |
bodo_reinisch@uml.edu |
uld |
2890 |
Sondre Stromfjord Digisonde |
Ionosondes |
67.0 |
309.05 |
0.0 |
Bodo Reinisch |
bodo_reinisch@uml.edu |
ssd |
2900 |
Sodankylä Ionosonde (SO166) |
Ionosondes |
67.4 |
26.6 |
0.0 |
Alexander Kozlovsky |
alexander.kozlovsky@oulu.fi |
sdi |
2930 |
Qaanaaq Digisonde ST/MEDAC Radars |
Ionosondes |
77.5 |
290.6 |
0.0 |
Bodo Reinisch |
bodo_reinisch@uml.edu |
qad |
2950 |
EISCAT Tromsø Dynasonde |
Ionosondes |
69.6 |
19.2 |
0.085 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
trd |
2951 |
EISCAT Svalbard Dynasonde |
Ionosondes |
78.1 |
16.0 |
0.434 |
Ingemar Häggström |
ingemar@eiscat.se |
lrd |
2952 |
IRF Dynasonde at EISCAT site Kiruna |
Ionosondes |
67.9 |
20.4 |
0.42 |
Urban Brändström |
urban@irf.se |
krd |
170 |
POES Spacecraft Particle Flux |
Satellite Instruments |
None |
None |
None |
David Evans |
devans@sec.noaa.gov |
pfx |
180 |
DMSP-Auroral Boundary Index |
Satellite Instruments |
None |
None |
None |
Gordon Wilson |
gordon.wilson@kirtland.af.mil |
dmp |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
Satellite Instruments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Keith Groves |
keith.groves@bc.edu |
dms |
8105 |
Van Allen Probes |
Satellite Instruments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Phil Erickson |
perickson@haystack.mit.edu |
vap |
8400 |
Jason/Topex Ocean TEC |
Satellite Instruments |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Anthea Coster |
acoster@haystack.mit.edu |
jsn |
5000 |
South Pole Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
-90.0 |
0.0 |
2.835 |
Gonzalo Hernandez |
hernandez@u.washington.edu |
spf |
5005 |
Palmer Fabry Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
-64.77 |
-64.05 |
0.008 |
Qian Wu |
qwu@ucar.edu |
pfi |
5015 |
Arrival Heights Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
-77.8296 |
166.6627 |
0.276 |
Gonzalo Hernandez |
hernandez@u.washington.edu |
ahf |
5020 |
Halley Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
-76.0 |
333.0 |
0.0 |
Martin Jarvis |
mjja@bas.ac.uk |
hfp |
5060 |
Mount John Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
-43.98 |
170.42 |
0.0 |
Gonzalo Hernandez |
hernandez@u.washington.edu |
mjf |
5140 |
Fabry-Perot Arequipa |
Fabry-Perots |
-16.5 |
288.5 |
0.0 |
Manfred Biondi |
biondi@vms.cis.pitt.edu |
aqf |
5145 |
Fabry-Perot Jicamarca |
Fabry-Perots |
-11.958 |
283.14 |
1.02 |
John Meriwether |
john.meriwether@ces.clemson.edu |
jfp |
5150 |
Fabry-Perot Mobile |
Fabry-Perots |
-14.973 |
285.11 |
1020.0 |
John Meriwether |
john.meriwether@ces.clemson.edu |
mfp |
5160 |
Arecibo Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
18.35 |
293.25 |
0.0 |
Christiano Brum |
cbrum@naic.edu |
afp |
5190 |
Kitt Peak H-alpha Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
31.98 |
248.4 |
2.12 |
Susan Nossal |
nossal@physics.wisc.edu |
kha |
5240 |
Fritz Peak Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
39.86 |
254.48 |
3.0 |
Gonzalo Hernandez |
hernandez@u.washington.edu |
fpf |
5292 |
Ann Arbor Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
42.29 |
276.29 |
0.276 |
Gonzalo Hernandez |
hernandez@u.washington.edu |
aaf |
5300 |
Peach Mountain Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
42.18 |
276.3 |
0.0 |
Rick Niciejewski |
niciejew@umich.edu |
pfp |
5340 |
Millstone Hill Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
42.6 |
288.5 |
0.0 |
Dwight Sipler |
dps@haystack.mit.edu |
mfp |
5360 |
Millstone Hill High-Res Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
42.6 |
288.5 |
0.0 |
Robert Kerr |
rkerr@cpi.com |
kfp |
5362 |
Brazil Imaging Doppler Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
-22.703764 |
314.99071 |
0.52 |
Robert Kerr |
rkerr@cpi.com |
bfp |
5370 |
Arecibo Imaging Doppler Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
18.345 |
293.25 |
0.0 |
Robert Kerr |
rkerr@cpi.com |
aif |
5380 |
Fabry-Perots |
18.3298 |
294.6932 |
0.0 |
Pedrina Terra dos Santos |
pedrina.santos@ucf.edu |
clf |
5430 |
Watson Lake Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
None |
None |
None |
Rick Niciejewski |
niciejew@umich.edu |
wfp |
5460 |
College Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
65.0 |
213.0 |
0.0 |
Robert Sica |
sica@uwo.ca |
cfp |
5465 |
Poker Flat all-sky scanning Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
65.12 |
212.57 |
0.44 |
Mark Conde |
mark.conde@gi.alaska.edu |
pkf |
5470 |
Fort Yukon Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
66.6 |
214.7 |
0.0 |
John Meriwether |
john.meriwether@ces.clemson.edu |
fyu |
5475 |
Poker Flat Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
65.12 |
212.57 |
0.44 |
John Meriwether |
john.meriwether@ces.clemson.edu |
pkz |
5480 |
Sondre Stromfjord Fabry-Perots |
Fabry-Perots |
78.6 |
12.0 |
0.0 |
Rick Niciejewski |
niciejew@umich.edu |
sfp |
5510 |
Inuvik NWT Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
68.33 |
226.5 |
0.103 |
Dirk Lummerzheim |
lumm@gi.alaska.edu |
ikf |
5535 |
Resolute Bay Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
74.73 |
265.11 |
0.087 |
Qian Wu |
qwu@ucar.edu |
rfp |
5540 |
Thule Fabry-Perot |
Fabry-Perots |
76.4 |
291.7 |
0.0 |
Rick Niciejewski |
niciejew@umich.edu |
tfp |
5545 |
Cariri Brazil FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
-7.38 |
323.47 |
0.46 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
car |
5546 |
Cajazeiras Brazil FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
-6.876 |
321.44 |
0.32 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
caj |
5547 |
Pisgah Astronomical Research FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
35.2 |
277.15 |
0.9 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
par |
5548 |
Urbana Atmospheric Observatory FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
40.133 |
271.8 |
0.2 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
uao |
5549 |
Kirtland Airforce Base FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
35.05 |
253.42 |
1.641 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
kaf |
5550 |
Virginia Tech FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
37.206 |
279.58 |
0.65 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
vti |
5551 |
Peach Mountain (MiniME) FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
42.27 |
276.25 |
0.3 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
ann |
5552 |
Merihill Peru FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
-11.958256 |
283.140988 |
1.09 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
mrh |
5553 |
Nazca Peru FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
-14.972699 |
285.108607 |
0.59 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
nzk |
5554 |
Eastern Kentucky FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
37.75 |
275.71 |
0.3 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
eku |
5555 |
Lowell FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
34.752 |
248.577 |
0.3 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
low |
5556 |
Bear Lake FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
41.94 |
248.59 |
0.3 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
blo |
5557 |
Christmas Valley FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
43.27 |
239.64 |
0.3 |
Jonathan Makela |
jmakela@illinois.edu |
cvo |
5600 |
Jang Bogo Station FPI |
Fabry-Perots |
-74.61 |
-164.21 |
0.1 |
Geonhwa Jee |
ghjee@kopri.re.kr |
jbs |
5700 |
South Pole Michelson Interferometer |
Michelson Interferometers |
-90.0 |
0.0 |
2.835 |
G. G. Sivjee |
Gulamabas.Sivjee@erau.edu |
spm |
5720 |
Daytona Beach Michelson Interferometer |
Michelson Interferometers |
29.19 |
278.95 |
0.0 |
G. G. Sivjee |
Gulamabas.Sivjee@erau.edu |
dbm |
5860 |
Stockholm IR Michelson |
Michelson Interferometers |
59.5 |
18.2 |
0.0 |
Patrick J. Espy |
sdlpespy@cc.usu.edu |
stm |
5900 |
Sondrestrom Michelson Interferometer |
Michelson Interferometers |
66.99 |
339.05 |
0.18 |
G. G. Sivjee |
Gulamabas.Sivjee@erau.edu |
sfm |
5950 |
Resolute Bay Michelson Interferometer |
Michelson Interferometers |
74.68 |
265.1 |
0.001 |
G. G. Sivjee |
Gulamabas.Sivjee@erau.edu |
rbm |
5980 |
Eureka Michelson Interferometer |
Michelson Interferometers |
80.22 |
273.82 |
0.139 |
G. G. Sivjee |
Gulamabas.Sivjee@erau.edu |
eum |
6205 |
Arecibo Potassium [K] lidar |
Lidars |
18.35 |
293.25 |
0.3 |
Jens Lautenbach Jonathan Friedman |
jlautenbach@naic.edu |
akl |
6206 |
Arecibo Sodium [Na] lidar |
Lidars |
18.35 |
293.25 |
0.3 |
Shikha Raizada |
shikha@naic.edu |
asl |
6300 |
CEDAR lidar |
Lidars |
40.07 |
272.0 |
0.0 |
Chester Gardner |
cgardner@uiuc.edu |
uil |
6320 |
Colorado State sodium lidar |
Lidars |
40.59 |
105.14 |
1.57 |
David A. Krueger |
krueger@lamar.colostate.edu |
csl |
6330 |
Rayleigh lidar at the ALO - USU/CASS |
Lidars |
41.74 |
111.81 |
1.466 |
Vincent Wickwar |
vincent.wickwar@usu.edu |
usl |
6340 |
Andes Na T/W Lidar |
Lidars |
-30.3 |
-70.0 |
2.53 |
Alan Z. Liu |
LIUZ2@erau.edu |
alo |
6350 |
ALOMAR Sodium Lidar |
Lidars |
69.28 |
16.01 |
0.38 |
Bifford P. Williams |
b.p.williams@gats-inc.com |
nlo |
6360 |
CU STAR Sodium Lidar |
Lidars |
40.12783 |
-105.24367 |
1.702 |
Wentao Huang |
wentao@colorado.edu |
cul |
6370 |
USU Na lidar |
Lidars |
41.8 |
-111.8 |
1.46 |
Tao Yuan/Mike Taylor |
titus.yuan@usu.edu |
unl |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
Lidars |
65.1 |
-147.5 |
0.215 |
Rich Collins |
rlcollins@alaska.edu |
pfl |
7190 |
USU CCD Imager |
Imagers |
None |
None |
None |
Michael J. Taylor |
mtaylor@cc.usu.edu |
usi |
7192 |
USU Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper |
Imagers |
None |
None |
None |
Michael J. Taylor |
mtaylor@cc.usu.edu |
amp |
7200 |
BU Millstone All-Sky Imager |
Imagers |
42.2 |
289.0 |
0.0 |
Michael Mendillo |
mendillo@bu.edu |
mhi |
7201 |
BU Arecibo All-Sky Imager |
Imagers |
18.344 |
293.247 |
0.0 |
Michael Mendillo |
mendillo@bu.edu |
aai |
7202 |
BU Asiago All-Sky Imager |
Imagers |
45.866 |
11.526 |
0.0 |
Michael Mendillo |
mendillo@bu.edu |
abi |
7203 |
BU El Leoncito All-Sky Imager |
Imagers |
-31.799 |
290.697 |
0.0 |
Michael Mendillo |
mendillo@bu.edu |
eai |
7204 |
BU McDonald All-Sky Imager |
Imagers |
30.671 |
255.977 |
0.0 |
Michael Mendillo |
mendillo@bu.edu |
mai |
7205 |
BU Rio Grande All-Sky Imager |
Imagers |
-53.785 |
292.248 |
0.0 |
Michael Mendillo |
mendillo@bu.edu |
rai |
7206 |
BU Jicamarca All-Sky Imager |
Imagers |
-11.958 |
76.86 |
1.02 |
Michael Mendillo |
mendillo@bu.edu |
jci |
7240 |
Imagers |
42.6 |
288.5 |
0.0 |
Michael Mendillo |
mendillo@buasta.bu.edu |
mhi |
7580 |
All-sky cameras at Qaanaaq |
Imagers |
77.5 |
290.8 |
0.0 |
Katsure Fukui |
jukui@plh.af.mil |
qac |
8301 |
Aerospace Nightglow Imager 2 |
Imagers |
-30.25 |
-70.73 |
2.53 |
James H. Hecht |
James.H.Hecht@aero.org |
aio |
8250 |
Jicamarca Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
-11.92 |
283.13 |
0.525 |
Marco Milla |
marco.milla@jro.igp.gob.pe |
jmt |
8255 |
Piura Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
-5.18 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Marco Milla |
marco.milla@jro.igp.gob.pe |
pmt |
8260 |
DASI-VA Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
38.7 |
-77.8 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
vmt |
8261 |
DASI-ATLAS Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
44.3 |
-73.6 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
att |
8262 |
DASI-AUGUSTA Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
44.3 |
-69.6 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
amt |
8263 |
DASI-BLUESKY Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
41.6 |
-84.2 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
bmt |
8264 |
DASI-BOULDER Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
40.0 |
-105.2 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
bot |
8265 |
DASI-HAYSTACK Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
42.6 |
-71.5 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
hmt |
8266 |
DASI-HENNEPIN Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
44.9 |
-93.7 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
het |
8267 |
DASI-MISSOURI Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
38.9 |
-92.2 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
mmt |
8268 |
DASI-NEWBRITAIN Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
41.6 |
-72.7 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
nmt |
8269 |
DASI-ODESSA Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
31.8 |
-102.3 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
omt |
8270 |
DASI-PAWNEE Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
40.2 |
-103.7 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
pat |
8271 |
DASI-SUGARHILLS Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
47.1 |
-93.7 |
0.0 |
Jenn Gannon |
gannon@cpi.com |
sum |
8300 |
Sodankyla Magnetometer |
Magnetometers |
67.367 |
26.633 |
0.178 |
Tero Raita |
tero.raita@sgo.fi |
smt |
11 |
Jicamarca Bistatic Radar |
Coherent Scatter Radars |
-11.95 |
283.13 |
0.525 |
David L. Hysell |
dlh37@cornell.edu |
jbr |
14 |
Coherent Scatter Radars |
-11.95 |
283.13 |
0.525 |
Danny Scipion |
dscipion@igp.gob.pe |
jmp |
840 |
Coherent Scatter Radars |
-11.95 |
283.13 |
0.525 |
Marco Milla |
marco.milla@jro.igp.gob.pe |
jul |
3000 |
ARL UT TBB Receiver |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
30.38 |
-97.73 |
0.22 |
Trevor Garner |
garner@arlut.utexas.edu |
utx |
7600 |
Chelmsford HS Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
42.6216 |
-71.3757 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
chs |
7602 |
Lancaster UK Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
54.052619 |
-2.7835 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
lan |
7603 |
Bridgewater MA Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
41.993 |
-71.01 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
bri |
7604 |
Union College Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
42.801 |
-73.926 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
uni |
7605 |
UNC Greensboro Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
36.069 |
-79.809 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
unc |
7606 |
Lynnfield HS Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
42.538859 |
-71.032518 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
lyn |
7607 |
Alaska Pacific Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
61.196184 |
-149.80615 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
apo |
7608 |
Hermanus SA Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
-34.409 |
19.251 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
hsa |
7609 |
Sanae Antarctic Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
-71.672733 |
-2.840574 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
sao |
7610 |
Sodankylä Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
67.42 |
26.59 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
sor |
7611 |
Lancaster2 UK Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
54.052619 |
-2.7835 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
lao |
7612 |
Haystack Ridge Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
42.608889 |
-71.49361 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
hro |
7613 |
Haystack NUC3 8-channel Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
42.608889 |
-71.49361 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
hno |
7614 |
Fairbanks Ozone Radiometer |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
65.124894 |
-147.493916 |
0.0 |
Alan Rogers |
arogers@haystack.mit.edu |
for |
8001 |
South Pole Scintillation Receiver |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
-89.9986 |
93.7757 |
2.8 |
Allan T. Weatherwax |
weatherwaxa@merrimack.edu |
sps |
8002 |
McMurdo Scintillation Receiver |
Individual Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
-77.8297 |
166.6625 |
0.24 |
Allan T. Weatherwax |
weatherwaxa@merrimack.edu |
mcs |
8000 |
World-wide GNSS Receiver Network |
Distributed Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Anthea Coster |
acoster@haystack.mit.edu |
gps |
8010 |
GNSS Scintillation Network |
Distributed Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Anthea Coster |
acoster@haystack.mit.edu |
sci |
8020 |
UT Arlington TEC |
Distributed Ground Based Satellite Receivers |
0.0 |
0.0 |
0.0 |
Mingwu Jin |
mingwu@uta.edu |
tec |
3010 |
Davis Czerny-Turner Scanning Spectrophotometer |
Photometers |
51.3 |
7.2 |
0.025 |
Gary Burns |
gary.burns@aad.gov.au |
dvs |
3320 |
Wuppertal (DE) Czerny-Turner OH Grating Spectrometer |
Photometers |
-68.48 |
77.97 |
0.0 |
Peter Knieling |
knieling@uni-wuppertal.de |
wup |
4470 |
Poker Flat 4 Channel Filter Photometer |
Photometers |
65.12 |
212.57 |
0.0 |
James Hecht |
james.hecht@aero.org |
p4p |
4473 |
Fort Yukon 4 Channel Filter Photometer |
Photometers |
66.6 |
214.7 |
0.0 |
James Hecht |
james.hecht@aero.org |
y4p |
4480 |
Arecibo red line photometer |
Photometers |
18.345 |
293.25 |
0.0 |
Christiano Brum |
cbrum@naic.edu |
arp |
4481 |
Arecibo green line photometer |
Photometers |
18.345 |
293.25 |
0.0 |
Christiano Brum |
cbrum@naic.edu |
agp |
7191 |
USU Mesospheric Temperature Mapper |
Photometers |
None |
None |
None |
Michael J. Taylor |
mtaylor@cc.usu.edu |
mtm |
7800 |
Green Bank Telescope |
Ground Based Solar Receivers |
38.433 |
-79.8399 |
0.0 |
Karen O'Neil |
koneil@nrao.edu |
gbt |